
Donate To The Cunningham PTA

Donations can be made here by credit card or PayPal payment by using our Direct Link for Paypal.  Please make sure to leave us your contact information and notes on anything else we should know. Thank you so much for your generosity!

Amazon Smile

Set your AmazonSmile account to support "Mary E. Cunningham Elementary PTA" via Your purchases on will result in direct donations to our school. (Make sure to change your bookmark as well!) As of August 2019, the PTA has received $416.21 from your AmazonSmile donations!

Cunningham has an ongoing fundraiser with  Search for Cunningham Elementary - Austin, TX and choose from a variety of items or online merchants, or make a direct donation to the school.

Ask your student for an invitation to their prize page, and some of your purchase can help them earn fabulous gifts!

Box Tops for Education

Download the Box Tops for education app from your provider's app store, or sign up at (be sure to choose "Cunningham Elementary School" from ZIP 78745). Submit your receipts for eligible products, and we automatically earn a reward.  

If you still have old style box-tops, you may clip those and send them with your student or turn them into the PTA box.  Be sure to label your submission - participating students may be eligible for random prizes from the PTA!